Sponsorship: Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai
Supporting Organizations: NIPPON CAMERA and KOSAIDO
●Date: June 29 - September 16, 2019
9:00 AM-5:00 PM
●Location : Byodoin Temple
116 Uji Renge,
Uji-shi, Kyoto 611-0021
● Admission free
※You must pay admission fee to enter the Byodoin Temple.
Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai held the 5th Photo Contest of A Wise Saying A Day Calendar last year under the auspices of the judges, Mr. Kenji Ishiguro, Mr. Yasushi Sugimata, Mr. Masanori Marubayashi, and Ms. Michiko Kaneko. The 32 winning photos will be exhibited with sayings from Buddhist sutras or the founders of various Japanese Buddhist denominations.
We will use these photos in 2020 calendar and in an exhibition to honor the winners and to create an opportunity for people to learn about the spirit of Buddhism.
On August 2, 2019, at 10:00 AM and at 14:00 PM, the ceremony will be held at the exhibition space. Mr. Mohri Suzuki, a calligrapher who wrote the sayings for the calendar, will conduct a calligraphy exhibition and will inscribe your favorite phrases as well.
※ For the signing session, numbered tickets will be distributed on that day.
正しい心の統一 ―正精進
Right Concentration.
道を求める人は 静かに考えて輝く
Quiet meditation distinguishes the seeker for Enlightenment.
Avoid being caught and entangled in any extreme.
眼を開けば どこにでも教えはある
Keep your eyes open and you will see the teachings everywhere.
日 時:8月2日(金) 10時・14時
会 場:平等院ミュージアム鳳翔館1階
カレンダーの文言を揮毫した書家 鈴木猛利氏による書道パフォーマンス、好きな一文字を色紙に書いてプレゼントするサイン会(当日、整理券を配布)
書家 鈴木 猛利 氏
Japanese Calligrapher: Mohri Suzuki
詳しくは公益財団法人 仏教伝道協会様へお問い合わせ下さい。
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